I’m Jeff
Hello, I'm Jeff
I am an urban design architect.
I’ve always been slightly nervous when presenting to other people but six months ago I was asked to speak at a major industry conference and found myself paralyzed at the prospect. I literally could not sleep or eat properly for days when I first received the invitation. I even drafted several emails to say I wasn’t going but my wife and my children told me I was being ridiculous and needed to get a grip.
That prompted me to do a lot of research and I found that virtual reality immersive therapy could offer an interesting solution to my problem in time for me to go to the conference, especially since I have always been skeptical of conventional therapy.
I could quickly see myself standing at the lectern about to give my speech without any of the feelings of clumsiness, shamefulness or anxiety that had kept me awake so far. I practiced speaking without blushing, feeling clammy and in a steady voice. By the end of it, I found the entire exercise quite re-affirming and was really looking forward to presenting my work at the conference.

Therapist's Commentary
When I first met Jeff, I was struck by his professionalism and his obvious breadth of knowledge. He was very engaging in our session with good eye contact and body language. However, as soon as he started talking about the conference, he started to perspire and his confidence melted away.
I challenged him as to the origin of the problem which dated back some years ago when he gave a presentation for which he was not sufficiently prepared and was professionally criticized for it. Although he had buried the incident at a conscious level, the physical memory manifested itself through irrational behaviour.
Jeff really took to virtual reality immersive therapy as a means to address this past incident and for once and for all confront his fears to enable him to take pride in and share his knowledge. He no longer felt threatened by public speaking and his career has progressed accordingly.
Raymond Francis
VRIT Lead Therapist

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